
Two-thirds of the ounce This tiniest variety, this bee hummingbird of Cuba and the island of Pines, measures somewhat more than 5.5 centimeters and weighs almost two grams. Hummingbirds' bodies are packed with powerful muscles. They have wings shaped like swords. Unlike other birds' wings, hummingbird wings connect to the trunk only at the edge joint, which is made lighter by the feathers.The pigmentation of different feathers also leads to this specific color and look. Male and female hummingbirds seem alike in some species but different in most varieties; males of most varieties are highly bright. The pace at which the hummingbird beats its wings does not change, regardless of whether it is flying ahead, flying in another direction, or just hovering. But this pace does change with the magnitude of the meat—the larger the meat, the lower the pace, ranging from 80 beats per minute for the smallest



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